At the moment I have my mum to stay. We haven't lived together so about 10 years. As you can imagine there have been moments of immense stress and annoyance on both our parts but the majority of it has been a complete joy.
She has cooked, gardened, created and cleaned her little heart out. I have had homemade swiss roll, île flottante, thai green curry, meatballs...the list goes on. We have had the garden tidied and she has added edges to our very undefined borders which has made a massive difference. It is starting to look like a real garden!
She has been creating and making her own pillowcases which are the basis of her new business (more on that later!). They are things of beauty with intricate whitework and crochet edges. Puts my counted cross stitch to shame. Saying that she always comments on how she could never do the things I do, she has no patience.
Also I haven't touched the washing up since she came!
So here's to mums and all they do.
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